How CRM System by eCampus A2A benefits Education Sector in their overall Process?
From a very long time we see some Businesses come, run and go disappear and on the other hand many run from a very long period. This is all because they know how to make good relationships with their customers. This process is known as Customer Relation Management (CRM). The Education Industry is at its peak and they have many competitions for them, so they want to make good relationships with their students and those who have to come in future. Students have so many options to choose from these competitions and they want to go to that University which has good customer service.
During the Admission Process, Universities are confused between which lead they have to communicate and which lead wants to convert into their Student. This problem is not from now, it is from a very long time. So eCampus A2A CRM Software has a cure for your headache which benefits Universities Counsellor to make good relationships with their Customers and notify you which lead you to send a follow up call.
During the Admission Process, Universities are confused between which lead they have to communicate and which lead wants to convert into their Student. This problem is not from now, it is from a very long time. So eCampus A2A CRM Software has a cure for your headache which benefits Universities Counsellor to make good relationships with their Customers and notify you which lead you to send a follow up call.
What is eCampus A2A Software?
eCampus A2A is a software which benefits universities and colleges from their Admission Process to Teaching Experience. It has a tightly integrated system which performs from Admissions -> CRM -> ERP -> LMS to run a College/University efficiently.
With all the necessary tools combined eCampus benefits to increase Admissions and Students Satisfaction.
Features Of eCampus A2A Software:
Automated Application: The Application has all the features which benefits counsellor from the Admission process and teachers in their Teaching Period. Track every action of leads and progress of Students to focus more.
Education CRM: All in One CRM for educational institutes which helps them to engage and manage their leads and choose which leads have a high chance to convert. With this feature you can get high quality leads for your admission.
Admission Management: With this feature you can choose which follow up you have to send and which lead you have to eliminate. With all the automation processes the time and energy will be saved.
Learning Management System: A smooth teaching learning process with the help of various tools like add study material, individual student progress and Time Table to create better learning experience for both teachers and students.
Online Examination Platform: A secured Examination Platform with all the security features to check individual students that they cheat or not while exam with the best auditor features.
- HRMS: As per the name HR it manages all Human Resource processes including tracking everything like Attendance, Payroll Administration, Leave Request and Approval to create an accurate, open and smooth workflow.

Why is CRM software beneficial for the Education Sector?
A Smooth and highly AI based software is very important for the Educational sector in their Marketing and recruitment of Students. Without CRM, all processes will be time consuming which can lose your quality leads and with the CRM you can focus more on the students which are very serious for your university or college. Some of the features of eCampus A2A Software are:
- Lead Management: The University will work more efficiently with the Lead Management tool which helps in tracking and process leads in real time. The Lead Management tool is tightly integrated with the AI Feature to maintain and manage every lead generated from different platforms into one.
- Lead Nurturing: Lead Nurturing in A2A helps in maintaining your engagements with every lead which helps you not to lose any of your leads. With highly personalised UI helps in boost performance, and advice dashboard to increase and optimise productivity.
- Rule Based Automation: Without taking help with any human presence all processes done by automated feature to schedule your work which increases your efficiency and deliver excellent customer service. By making a time table of every work keeps you reminded of your next work for an individual target.
- Marketing Management: With integrated features you can connect your CRM with all of your digital communication platforms like Whatsapp, Emails, Social Media Accounts to engage with the targeted audience. Which helps you to focus on targeting and grow your marketing techniques.
- Makes Decision Easy: When you check thousands of data in the excel sheets it makes things complicated and hard to analyse the data which can take more time as usual. But with the CRM Software you can analyse the right data with the help of one click.
The Education Sector is now growing rapidly and large no. of competitions makes entry in the market to target your audience. So now you have to create a long term relationship with your targeted audience to boost your revenue and admit large no. of students into your Universities or College. So CRM by eCampus A2A helps in all your processes to create efficiency in your work and convert your leads into your students.
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